We Install Christmas

What’s the Big Deal about Artificial Christmas Trees

You may be wondering what the big deal is about artificial Christmas trees. There not even real, why do so many people like them? Well, there are plenty of benefits about these types of trees that you might not even know about. Let’s go over some of the benefits of having an artificial Christmas tree. Maybe this holiday season, you will change your mind altogether and even be prompted to purchase a new tree this year.

They Are Mess Free

As you may have experienced, real Christmas trees can cause a huge mess. The pine needles can be traced everywhere around your house. They can also be sticky from the pine sap, and getting sap off of fingers and clothing is no easy task. When you buy an artificial Christmas tree, you don’t have to worry about the mess.

They Are Stress Free

The whole process of going to a tree farm and picking out the perfect Christmas tree can be a hassle for some people. Then there’s the point of wrapping it up and tying it to the roof of your car only to hope that it doesn’t fall off by the time you get home. Once you’re done taking it off your car, you need to place it perfectly in that tree stand and make sure that it’s straight and symmeticial.

When you purchase an artificial Christmas tree, you can avoid the whole tree shopping and installing process altogether. It’s way easier to bring your tree from the basement upstairs, place it on its stand and have it be the perfect tree every Christmas tree. No stress!

They Can Come Pre Lit

Some artificial christmas trees come pre-lit. Remember fussing with the christmas lights trying to figure out which bulb is broken and which plugs go into which outlets? Then you have to worry that there’s not enough red lights in one section and green on the right side. You don’t need to do this anymore. A pre-lit tree will have the perfect symmetrical light setup and they’re easy to plug in.

For the holiday season this year, think about choosing an artificial Christmas tree. You’ll be glad you did.  It’s also going to save you money in the long run by not having to buy a new $40 Christmas tree every single year. Buying a pre-lit artificial Christmas tree is the way to go!

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